Nicholas Was...

By Ralph Niere
-Smoke and Mirrors
Neil Gaiman

...older than sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.
The dwarfish natives of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.
Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into Endless Night. During the journey he would stand near every child int he world, leave one of the dwarves' invisible gifts by its bedside. The children slept, frozen into time.
He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harsher.


For Perfection, Retreat!

By Ralph Niere

(My project in English IV

Didactic Essay)

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. Truly, perfection can only be achieved within the boundaries of surmounting predicaments. To do that, man usually stands firm – never shaken. He usually deals with trials head on without further ado. He usually struggles and never gives up in spite of the paucity of the tribulation. These are what man usually does. Consequently, though, man also usually gets tired and weary in the long run. In facing trials, therefore, it is necessary for man to stop and retreat – to listen, to reflect and to be himself.

Primarily, to conquer tribulations, one needs silence. He needs to relax, meditate and listen to heed his inner voice. Through the silence of the heart, one is relaxed and can reflect properly. Through the silence of the mind, one is meditating and can think efficiently. Through the silence of the mouth, one listens and can establish himself efficiently. Silence prepares one to reflect and be he. Through the silence of the heart, mind and mouth, man trains himself.

Secondly, to overcome trials, one needs to reflect. One needs to know his own self. Amidst tribulations, one must know what he wants to happen. He must also know his strengths. Consequently, he must know his weaknesses. Reflection helps man visualize his destination, nourish his strengths and minimize his weaknesses. Through reflection, one knows and is not afraid of who he is.

Lastly, to prevail over predicaments, he must not pretend. After knowing himself, one needs to live by by who he is, no matter how others try to make him be someone else. He must not only know his wants, but also keep his composure and aim to what he wants to reach. He must not only recognize his strengths, but also manipulate them. He must not only realize his weaknesses, but also accept them and try to nullify them. Being his true self entails him to be focused to his destination, manipulative of his strengths and cagey on his weaknesses. Thus, it is easier to prevail against predicaments.

A retreat helps someone overcome their problems; that is why one needs to have a retreat. After preparing, knowing and being himself, man can surmount all his trials, predicaments and tribulations. Silence prepares one’s heart, mind and mouth to his challenges. Reflection brings the realization of who one really is – his dreams, his strengths and his weaknesses. Being oneself is being focused, manipulative and cagey. Silence, reflection and being oneself, together, lift man to triumph over his challenges. And, like polished silver, a man who retreats, surmounts his trials and later blooms towards shimmering perfection.


Quo Vadis? Where To, Now?

By Ralph Niere
Towards Where I Truly Belong
"Goodbye may seem foreve;
Farewell is like the end,
But in our hearts are the memories
And there, you will always be."

From every end comes a new beginning. As my high school life comes to an end, a new chapter of my life begins. After all the hassles and the dazzles, I am at my own happy ending. Like a rushing river nearing its mouth, I am finally ready to face the much wider and broader ocean. Like an eagle in its first journey, I can finally fly and reach my own zenith. Still, the amaranthine values that have molded me in high school, I will nurture. To finally reach the zenith of my hope and aspirations, I must nourish my faith, build excellence and develop service...and I will.

To draw my dreams in reach, I must nourish my faith. In this next chapter, I must and will be somewhere where I can nourish my faith in God, faith in others and faith in myself. With faith in God, I will never be thirsty of hope. With faith in others, I will always know that I’m not alone. With faith in myself, I will never break down and give up effortlessly. With nourished faith, I will always prevail over predicaments. Then, my life will soon reach a happy ending in a classic fairytale.

I can even draw the zenith nearer with excellence. I must and will be somewhere where the best of me will blossom through prudent decisions, diligent actions and fortified assertions in life. With prudent decisions, what matters to me will be the future and the present, not so much about the past. With diligent actions, slowly but surely, I can reach my goals leading to success. With fortified assertions in life, I will be able to take a strong and confident stand on what I believe. Through these, the best of me will blossom and I will be competent in facing the vast real world. From the narrow banks of a brook, I have become a rushing river drawing closer and closer to its mouth and finally, the vast ocean.

Ultimately, to be on the zenith, I, at last, must develop service. I must and will be somewhere where I will be of use to others. I will be somewhere where my faith and excellence will not be wasted. I will be somewhere where I can influence and nurture others’ faith. I will be somewhere where I can serve my excellence and bring out the best of others. I will be somewhere…somewhere where the meaning of life is fully revealed. I will fly and soar towards the zenith where I truly belong.

As my mission in life, I will nurture my faith, build my excellence and develop service. I will dash towards my own happy ending. I will face the world being the best of who I am. Finally, I will fly and soar towards where I am truly destined to be. These, I must do; and, these I shall.


Lovingly Written, 12-15-22-5

By Ralph Niere
(This is my project in
English about
my philosophy on love.)

“Let me not to the marriage of true minds
admit impediments.
Love is not love which alters when
alteration finds,
or bends with the remover to remove:
O no!
it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests
and is never shaken…”
William Shakespeare


Love. Just love. It is the best thing we have. It is the best thing we can give. It is the best thing we can receive. Love is the best. So, love.

Love. Yes, love. Time may pass but love will last. Reason may vanish but love is ever-present. Death always ends; love always begins. Love is unchanging, awkward; most importantly, love is life. So, love.

Love is Unchanging

Love is unchanging. It is everlasting. When you love, that love will never vanish. It will grow stronger, but never weaker. It will always win, but will never lose. Love will never change. Or else, it is not love at all.

Indeed, love is unchanging. If the love you have changes as what you love changes, what you have is not actually love; it is admiration. True love never morphs into another for it never “alters when alteration finds.” It will never vanish for it does not “bend with the remover to remove.” It is strong for it can “look on tempests and will never be shaken.” Nothing can impede love. Love is strong and unchanging.

Love is Awkward

In as much as love is unchanging, it is also awkward. It is awkward in the sense that it is unreasonable and by being unreasonable it becomes unconditional. There is no reason why we have love, yet we have love. There is no reason why we give love, yet we love. There is no reason why we receive love, yet we are loved. We love not because of actions, appearances and words because these three are bordered by death; we love and are loved because…there is love. There is no reason for love for there is just love.

Indeed, love has no reason. If you love and you are loved because you and your lover have reasons, what you have is admiration only – not love. There is no reason to love because everyone deserves to be loved, even our enemies. There is no reason to love because reason tends to change everything and love is unchangeable. “Love has no reason in which reason knows not of.” Love is unreasonable – awkward.

Love is Life

Ultimately, love is life itself. Conversely, life is love. We live because we love. We love because we live. Love makes us live. Life makes us love. Love and life are one. Love is life.

Love is the entirety of life. It embraces the whole of life – everything. Love prevails in life. It even prevails after death. We can love even if what or who we love is dead. From birth, to school, to work, to old age, to death, beyond…love. “Where there is love; there is life.”

Love and Life

Loving is the sign that we live. In the same sense, Living is the sign that we love. In the course of our lives, we love things, events, our pets, our families, persons, etc. and these give us the reason to live. In the same way, we live first for our own selves and then, recognizing that life is dreary with only ourselves, we give our lives for others – by loving them. We love as long as we live. We live as long as we love because love is life.

Indeed, love is the best. Nothing is better than love. Love is unchanging. Love is awkward. Finally, love is life – everything. Love is strong and it embraces all. Love is…everything.

Love. Live. It is the best thing we can ever have. It is the best thing we have given. It is the best thing we have received. Love is the best because it is life. So, love. And therefore, live.

Happy Valentines!