A Junior Me
After a very enjoying summer vacation, a new school year began. I am not anymore a sophomore but I am now a junior student in this new school year. I have never imagined that there are great differences between a sophomore and a junior. Such differences makes so many changes on my educational life.
They say that the only permanent thing on Earth is change. Well, on my first two months as a junior, I have already experienced changes. The subjects are much more complicated now. The projects on each subject becomes more difficult to do. Furthermore, new teachers are introduced. On my first two months as a junior, there were already many changes.
In spite of all those changes, some things remained the same. To all our surprise, our classmates last school year is still the same as this year! It was the very first surprise that we got from St. Mary's Academy on the new school year. Furthermore, Some of the traditions of the school are still being followed. We attended Holy Spirit Mass, first Friday Masses and the activities each month. Even though there are many changes, one very important thing remains the same. It is good to be back !
Mommy Chon